Powerful: the End of Burnout

finally, the all-encompassing guide to burnout prevention and career fulfillment is here

Powerful: The End of Burnout
One time

This is for you if this resonates:

You’re a classic high-achiever who feels like something is missing in your career, despite that you’ve done everything “right.”

Maybe the story you were sold about keeping your head down and being a team player hasn’t actualized into true fulfillment, and you find yourself cycling in and out of burnout. You know burnout isn’t your fault, but you’ve noticed that you’ve internalized burnout culture: urgency and perfectionism are frequently popping up for you, adding stress and stripping fun from your days. Taking up space feels uncomfortable, and true confidence only seems to come after you receive incredible feedback from your supervisor.

You’re craving change, but you have no idea how to go about it. And frankly, you’re way too exhausted to do the research to find tools and systems that will actually move the needle.

So you’ve been chasing short-term solutions, like massages or that bottle of wine at the end of a long day, but you’re finally ready to make the shifts that are going to make a difference in the way you approach your work days.

You’re ready to wake up to a solid routine that feels great, instead of checking your phone or trying to implement some crazy 45-step routine an unhinged, privileged CEO posted about. But you don’t want to spin your wheels: you actually want to understand the evidence-based approach to forming habits that last.

You’re ready to understand how to prevent that couch-potato crash at the end of the workday that stems from unmanaged stress. You’re ready to get your nights back.

You want to understand how to complete the stress cycle, protect your energy, and break out of burnout for good.

You want to understand what your needs are with respect to your career, set your values, and learn how to approach networking and interviewing in a way that is going to get you a role that is a true fit for you.

You want tools for building confidence that isn’t predicated on a title, a salary, or external approval.

And you want these tools to be realistic and actionable, so that even the busiest of professionals and parents can implement them.

I get it, because I was you. The hundreds of professionals I’ve supported are just like you, too.

I worked my entire life to become an attorney, only to burn out (hard) six years in. For years, I had known that BigLaw wasn’t for me, but I had no idea what was or how to find out. So I stayed put, putting one foot in front of the other while shoving down my feelings of discontentment.

Eventually, when my burnout got severe enough, I stepped away from law and turned my nerdy research-loving brain toward burnout, focusing on figuring out HOW to break the cycle for good. I love a good solution and a framework—and ultimately, everything I learned would become the foundation of my work through Rebuild with Rhia.

My business was born out of a deep passion for providing real tools, strategies, and solutions to other professionals to help them avoid the fate I suffered. Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped hundreds of professionals take the power back in their careers.

I’ve long been asked to pour my tips and strategies in one easy-to-access place — and she is finally here, in a course format that you can complete on your own time. Burnout, busy-person, and introvert friendly. I can’t wait for you to get access to the material that’s made a massive difference in the lives of my clients, as well as in my own.

Break up with burnout, imposter syndrome, and urgency culture.

Take your time working through the material on your own schedule. Come back to the lessons you need to hear twice. After each lesson, utilize the provided worksheets or journal prompts to strategize applying what you’ve learned to your life — because I hate a cookie cutter solution that doesn’t work.

What you’ll learn

Meet your instructor

Rhia Batchelder

Rhia Batchelder is an ICF-certified anti-burnout career coach, corporate wellness speaker and consultant, and former BigLaw attorney specializing in helping professionals thrive in their careers by increasing confidence, prioritizing stress reduction and stress management, and learning to own their power.

Rhia graduated from New York University in 3 years, summa cum laude, with a degree in Politics. She received her J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School on a full-ride scholarship.

Prior to starting her own coaching and consulting business, Rhia practiced law at the highest levels in New York City and then in Denver, CO, where she now resides. When she began her career in law, Rhia was solely focused on achieving and winning external approval—often to the detriment of her own health and well-being. And when she looked around, she realized that she was not alone.

Through college, law school, and her career in law, Rhia noticed a pattern:  high-achieving professionals have many exceptional skills to offer, but they frequently do not know how to take care of themselves effectively, handle stress, or set themselves up to have long, productive, and fulfilling careers. Rhia’s work helps professionals avoid burnout and protect the longevity of their careers through evidence-based tools.

Rhia also helps professionals build the confidence to approach their careers more intentionally. Professionals struggling with imposter syndrome are less likely to set boundaries, advocate for themselves, address issues head-on, ask for help, or negotiate to improve their circumstances. Rhia helps professionals work through these roadblocks, and practice utilizing their voices in their careers and beyond.

Rhia has helped hundreds of professionals from all stages of their careers over the three years Rebuild with Rhia has been in operation, with incredible results. She has hosted dozens of workshops and talks on relevant topics, including burnout prevention for employees, how to lead teams to prevent burnout, habit formation, morning routines, perfectionism, career clarity, and more. She focuses on providing her clients with validation, clarity, and actionable tools.

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Powerful: The End of Burnout
One time

Still have questions?

email me at rhia@rebuildwithrhia.com