Why Showing Up to Your Career as Your Full Self is The Biggest Power Move
Why showing up as *yourself* is a game-changer for your career 👇🏻
Most of you know that I had a successful legal career before I left to pursue my passions. Even though I did enjoy success, I made a lot of mistakes.
The biggest mistake I made was trying to shove myself in the box that is law firm culture. I was scared to use my voice. I tried to be the type of manager I saw around me, instead of what felt right to me. I didn’t set boundaries because other people weren’t. I didn’t push back when I was interrupted continuously. I just wasn’t my authentic self.
While this worked for awhile, it ultimately led to burnout. Trying to be someone else every day is frankly exhausting. I expended so much energy trying to play a role. And in 2020, I ran out of energy to keep pushing forward in the same way. I see now that I could have used that energy to show up as the powerhouse I am—in my way. In my new career, showing up authentically is one of my top priorities. And I cannot emphasize the difference; I know I am making a bigger impact, and it just feels good to be acting in alignment with my values and my truth.
Maybe you’re also working in a culture that doesn’t feel aligned to who you really are. Maybe you’ve felt pressure to be a version of yourself that you think will be more successful for whatever reason. I know a lot of us feel that way—corporate culture can be intense for people who do not fit the old-school mold. We are taught from a young age to be a certain way to achieve success. And I get that, I do.
But what if you stopped trying to conform?
I’ll tell you what will happen: you are going to start to show up more powerfully to your career. Your genius will shine brighter. You will have more energy. Work will feel better. And when you’re feeling more empowered, opportunities, money, visibility, and fulfillment will skyrocket.
We have enough traditional corporate leaders. We have enough yes-people. What we really need are more authentic leaders—we need your unique insight, voice, and perspective. I really want to see you lead, and I want you to feel that your career is fulfilling and sustainable.
But how do you actually get there?
If you follow my work, you may have guessed it … real self-care. I teach self-care to my clients so they can build the confidence needed to show up fully—as their most empowered selves.
If you’re not ready to invest in coaching, I created the Self-Care Playbook for you. It lays out the steps to a better self-relationship in an easy-to-understand and actionable format. You’ll walk away with tangible tools you can use to change your life. We start in a week, so get your tickets!
Let’s thrive together.